Important Notice


Have a wonderful winter and we’ll see you in the spring!

The wood that we get from our suppliers consists of oak, maple, white birch, yellow birch, beech and ash. We will never sell you aspen or poplar or any soft woods such as pine or fur. Our delivery to you may consist of all one species or a mixture of the above mentioned hardwoods.

2024 Firewood Pricing:

PLEASE NOTE: For deliveries more than 10 miles from Church Road in Brunswick, there will be a $10 fuel charge in addition to the price of wood.  

Maine Firewood

Frequently Asked Questions

All Measurements for a cord of wood are the same - aren't they?

Not true. There can be a very significant difference in the quantity of wood you actually get depending on whether your provider uses a “stacked” or “loose” cord. When a cord is in a loose, jumbled pile, the logs take up more volume than they would in an organized or stacked cord, which means that the same 128 cubic feet can actually contain a lot less wood.

At GOT WOOD? we deliver loose cords measured to 180 cubic feet. Why the extra 40%? To make sure you get a full stacked cord for your money.

What's the difference between green wood and seasoned firewood?

Water and fire are a bad combination, which is why when it comes to firewood, you don’t want moisture getting into the mix. Green wood – wood that has been freshly cut and is not yet completely dried – contains significantly more water than seasoned wood, which has been stacked and air dried for at least six months. Between cutting down a tree and reaching the end of the seasoning process, about 2000 to 2500 lbs of water will have been evaporated out of a single cord of wood. That brings the moisture content of the wood down to about 25%. Seasoned wood is between 25% and 38% moisture content. A good rule of thumb to remember is that the drier your wood, the more BTU it’ll give you.

Why is hardwood so much better to burn than softwood?

Hardwood comes from deciduous trees – those that lose their leaves every year – while softwood comes from needle-bearing trees such as pine or spruce. You may have seen cords of softwood advertised at lower prices, which can be tempting to budget-conscious shoppers. But hardwood has an advantage over softwood when it comes to burning in several ways. First of all, it naturally has a lower moisture content. It’s also more dense than softwood, which gives it a higher potential energy. Softwood also tends to produce far more smoke and can lead to creosote buildup and an increased risk of chimney fire.

What’s the difference between a cord and a “truck load” of wood?

Measuring wood by the truck load can be misleading. A cord of wood should measure 4’ by 4’ by 8’ stacked. Most pick-up truck beds hold only a half to two-thirds of that amount. If you’ve ordered a cord of wood, it should be delivered in either a dump truck or a standard pick-up truck with a high-sided bed. If that’s not what pulls in your driveway, you may be getting less than you bargained for.

British Thermal Units (BTUs)


BTUs, or British Thermal Units, measure the heat of combustion. Even among the same species, different chunks of firewood are going to burn hotter than others, depending on how dry they are and the conditions under which they grew. These numbers are intended as a rough comparison. They are measured in millions of BTUs per cord, which is a stack of firewood 4 feet high, 4 feet wide, and 8 feet long.

Moisture content is more important than tree species when planning for wood heat. Wood that has dried properly will almost always burn hotter than wood that still has moisture in it because much of the heat energy is used to evaporate the remaining water. Try to stack your firewood about a year in advance so that it has time to completely dry. You’ll get more heat out of your investment if you do. Half a year is often adequate, but in our experience, it can take a while to build up a supply, so plan to be ready a year in advance if you can. Even small logs will dry (and burn) better if split and given time to dry. Covering your stacked firewood isn’t necessary, but it will help, as well.

After your fire’s been burning for a while, you’re left with a bed of hot coals. When cooking over an open fire, coals provide steady, consistent heat — this is why ‘charcoal’ is so popular. When you burn wood, you can make your coals to cook with. Usually, denser hardwoods will yield coals that ignite hotter, longer-lived coals than softer, less dense woods.

Learn more about the best wood for burning in Choosing a Wood-Burning Stove for Your Home.

What We Offer

Firewood Types

WoodMillion BTUs/CordSmokySparkyEase of StartingEase of SplittingCoalingAromabls/ft3+/-5Cord Weight (pounds) Dry
Alder, Red19.0ModerateModerateFairEasyGoodSlight262600
Ash, Black19.1NoFewFairEasyGoodMinimal302992
Ash, Green23.0NoFewModerateEasyGoodSlight292900
Ash, White23.6LightFewModerateEasyGoodSlight353500
Beech, Blue26.8NoFewYesEasyExcellentMinimal393890
Birch, Black26.8NoModerateGoodEasyExcellentMinimal393890
Birch, Grey20.3NoModerateGoodEasyExcellentMinimal323179
Birch, Paper20.3NoModerateGoodEasyExcellentMinimal323179
Birch, White20.3NoModerateGoodEasyExcellentMinimal323179
Birch, Yellow23.6NoModerateGoodEasyExcellentMinimal373689
Box Elder17.9ModerateNoModerateEasyPoorSlight282797
Cedar, Eastern Red17.5ModerateManyExcellentEasyPoorExcellent262632
Cedar, Western Red20ModerateManyExcellentEasyPoorExcellent202000
Cedar, White12.2ModerateModerateExcellentEasyPoorExcellent191913
Cherry, Black19.9NoFewPoorEasyExcellentExcellent292880
Elm, American19.5ModerateFewFairDifficultExcellentGood313052
Elm, White19.5ModerateNoFairModerateGoodFair313052
Fir, Balsam14.3ModerateNoModerateEasy222236
Fir, Douglas25.0YesModerateYesEasyFairSlight313075
Fir, Grand19.0ModerateNoModerateEasy232330
Hickory, Shagbark28.5NoModerateFairModerateExcellentGood414072
Hornbeam, Eastern27.3LightFewYesDifficultExcellentMinimal434267
Juniper, Western26.4ModerateManyEasyEasyPoorExcellent313050
Locust, Black26.8LightNoPoorModerateExcellentMinimal393890
Locust, Honey25.8LightFewModerateEasyExcellentModerate373680
Maple, Bigleaf22.7LightFewModerateEasy303000
Maple, Hard24.0NoNoYesEasyExcellentGood373680
Maple, Silver19.5LightFewModerateModerate282752
Maple, Soft or Red18.7NoNoYesModerate292924
Maple, Sugar24HeavyFewPoorDifficultGood383757
Oak, Red/Black24LightFewModerateEasyGoodSlight383757
Oak, White/Bur25.7LightFewYesModerateExcellentSlight404012
Osage Orange32.9ModerateManyDifficultDifficultGoodModerate474728
Pine, Eastern White14.3ModerateModerateExcellentEasyPoorGood222236
Pine, Jack17.1ModerateManyYesEasy272669
Pine, Norway17.1ModerateManyYesEasy272669
Pine, Pitch17.1ModerateManyYesEasy272669
Pine, Ponderosa15.2ModerateModerateExcellentEasyFairGood242380
Pine, Southern (Shortleaf, Loblolly)22.0ModerateFewYesEasyPoorModerate292936
Pine, Sugar19.6ModerateModerateExcellentEasyGood232270
Pine, White Western14.3ModerateModerateExcellentEasyGood222236
Poplar, Yellow16ModerateModerateYesEasyFairBitter212080
Spruce, Black15.9ModerateManyYesEasy252482
Walnut, Black25.3NoNoYesEasyGoodGood353450